Lampung, Lampung timur

Bahirah by.safa'a hijab



The name of this company I named bahirah by. Safa'a hijab, bahirah herself has beautiful, beautiful, and respectable women so we want people who use our products to get beauty and earn honor and safa'a's own name is bahirah's owner. It's more commonly known as bahirah hijab. This business that I manage has been standing since th. 2017 when I went to high school and for now I'm still working on my own. The business is only producing veils and veils. Our target market is middle-class people. Although newly established, we strive to continue to expand our business in order to achieve our marketing goals. We have a tagline "more elegant in a simpleness"


Jln.Bungur Tugu no.206 desa Tanjung Inten kec.Purbolinggo
Rp.25.000 - Rp.75.000