Jawa Barat, Bekasi

49 Nusantara Bahari



CV. 49 Nusantara Bahari is a producer of marine processed foods in the form of frozen food. One of the products is Somay Mela (somay fish with chicken topping, mushrooms, smoked meat, tuna and shrimp). One of the somay products that are typical of somay mela is somay native salmon without preservatives, bleach and other dangerous ingredients. This product has been marketed in several leading retailers, on line and through resellers. Somay producers, namely CV. 49 Nusantara Bahari is a mid-scale MSME that employs 23 youth employees in its factory environment, led by young management, but is very concerned about the welfare of capture fishermen in the Cirebon region as its raw material supplier, because fishermen partners have provided fresh fish products for the needs of these producers


49 Nusantara Bahari
Rp. -
49 Nusantara Bahari
Rp. -
Nusantara Bahari
Jl. Sejahtera No. 42 RT4/3 Jatiwaringin Pondok Gede
Rp 20.000 - 40.000